Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Directions for Our Times

As given to Anne, a lay apostle
Conversations with
The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

September 1, 2003
My child, with such gratitude I view your
efforts. I am here, waiting in the tabernacle
to thank you and encourage you. You
are trying to serve Me in your life and it is
not always easy to do this. Until a complete
union or surrender occurs, you continue
to wrestle with the pull of the world
and worldly attractions and distractions.
This creates conflict in you because I am
calling you in another direction. This
conflict makes you feel discouraged, dear
one, but you should not allow this feeling.
There is not growth without some bit of
discomfort. So, when you feel unsettled
and you long for old habits, remember
that you used those habits to console
yourself in emptiness. I am now filling
that emptiness for you so you do not need
to rely on these things anymore. Worldly
habits or addictions did not make you
happy, My little soul. You felt unrest and
bitterness without Me. Now, with Me, you
are beginning to experience true peace,
the peace which comes from heaven. This
is a sign that your soul is directing the
movement and action of your body, which
is how man is intended to live. The body is
under your dominion, or the dominion of
Volume Two
your soul, and the soul, your precious and
irreplaceable soul, is under My dominion.
In this way, in this small corner, the
world is as it should be. You belong to Me,
My child, and I have defended you
fiercely, despite your temporary indifference
to Me. We will keep moving forward
now with our movement toward unity. You
may feel as though you are moving quite
swiftly in these spiritual matters. Do not
fear this haste as I am personally determining
the speed at which I need you to
ascend. In days past, perhaps your conversion
would be more gentle and
leisurely. I do not will that now and it is
not what I require. I need My soldiers prepared
quickly. Because I am God, and all
created things bow to Me, I can do this
with a soul like yours who seeks to assist
Me and please Me.
My child, never be afraid of holiness.
When you doubt, look to your duty and
remain calm until I desire to erase your
doubts. You will carry small crosses of
fear and doubt at times, but that is,
again, more practice, and these little
exercises are good for your soul. Make
small acts of faith to Me and the doubts
will lose their power to distract you from
My service during your days.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
I am with you, My little souls, and We
have discussed exactly what I mean when
I say that. You are with Me and We move
purposefully through your life together.
Look for opportunities to serve Me in the
people I place in your path. If you sense
that I need you to assist a soul, let your
spirit go quiet while I place the proper
inspirations in your heart and mind.
Then you may respond to the need in this
soul for Me, and My word, My presence,
will have been achieved. Dear little soul,
so willing to serve Me, can you imagine
your world if even a small number begin
to live this way? Your world would change
and that is what I am seeking to accomplish.
Be at peace. Your God is pleased.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Shroud of Turin



Fifth Sunday of Easter, 2 May 2010

Dear Friends,

This is a moment to which I have been looking forward. I have stood before the Holy Shroud on various occasions but this time I am experiencing this Pilgrimage and this moment with special intensity: perhaps this is because the passing years make me even more sensitive to the message of this extraordinary Icon; perhaps and I would say above all this is because I am here now as the Successor of Peter, and I carry in my heart the whole Church, indeed, the whole of humanity. I thank God for the gift of this Pilgrimage and also for the opportunity to share with you a brief meditation inspired by the subtitle of this solemn Exposition: "The Mystery of Holy Saturday".

One could say that the Shroud is the Icon of this mystery, the Icon of Holy Saturday. Indeed it is a winding-sheet that was wrapped round the body of a man who was crucified, corresponding in every way to what the Gospels tell us of Jesus who, crucified at about noon, died at about three o'clock in the afternoon. At nightfall, since it wasParasceve, that is, the eve of Holy Saturday, Joseph of Arimathea, a rich and authoritative member of the Sanhedrin, courageously asked Pontius Pilate for permission to bury Jesus in his new tomb which he had had hewn out in the rock not far from Golgotha. Having obtained permission, he bought a linen cloth, and after Jesus was taken down from the Cross, wrapped him in that shroud and buried him in that tomb (cf. Mk 15: 42-46). This is what the Gospel of St Mark says and the other Evangelists are in agreement with him. From that moment, Jesus remained in the tomb until dawn of the day after the Sabbath and the Turin Shroud presents to us an image of how his body lay in the tomb during that period which was chronologically brief (about a day and a half), but immense, infinite in its value and in its significance.

Holy Saturday is the day when God remains hidden, we read in an ancient Homily: "What has happened? Today the earth is shrouded in deep silence, deep silence and stillness, profound silence because the King sleeps.... God has died in the flesh, and has gone down to rouse the realm of the dead" (Homily on Holy Saturday, PG 43, 439). In the Creed, we profess that Jesus Christ was "crucified under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day, he rose again".

Dear brothers and sisters, in our time, especially after having lived through the past century, humanity has become particularly sensitive to the mystery of Holy Saturday. The concealment of God is part of contemporary man's spirituality, in an existential almost subconscious manner, like a void in the heart that has continued to grow larger and larger. Towards the end of the 19th century, Nietzsche wrote: "God is dead! And we killed him!". This famous saying is clearly taken almost literally from the Christian tradition. We often repeat it in the Way of the Cross,perhaps without being fully aware of what we are saying. After the two World Wars, the lagers and the gulags, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, our epoch has become increasingly a Holy Saturday: this day's darkness challenges all who are wondering about life and it challenges us believers in particular. We too have something to do with this darkness.

Yet the death of the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, has an opposite aspect, totally positive, a source of comfort and hope. And this reminds me of the fact that the Holy Shroud acts as a "photographic' document, with both a "positive" and a "negative". And, in fact, this is really how it is: the darkest mystery of faith is at the same time the most luminous sign of a never-ending hope. Holy Saturday is a "no man's land" between the death and the Resurrection, but this "no man's land" was entered by One, the Only One, who passed through it with the signs of his Passion for man's sake: Passio Christi. Passio hominis. And the Shroud speaks to us precisely about this moment testifying exactly to that unique and unrepeatable interval in the history of humanity and the universe in which God, in Jesus Christ, not only shared our dying but also our remaining in death the most radical solidarity.

In this "time-beyond-time", Jesus Christ "descended to the dead". What do these words mean? They mean that God, having made himself man, reached the point of entering man's most extreme and absolute solitude, where not a ray of love enters, where total abandonment reigns without any word of comfort: "hell". Jesus Christ, by remaining in death, passed beyond the door of this ultimate solitude to lead us too to cross it with him. We have all, at some point, felt the frightening sensation of abandonment, and that is what we fear most about death, just as when we were children we were afraid to be alone in the dark and could only be reassured by the presence of a person who loved us. Well, this is exactly what happened on Holy Saturday: the voice of God resounded in the realm of death. The unimaginable occurred: namely, Love penetrated "hell". Even in the extreme darkness of the most absolute human loneliness we may hear a voice that calls us and find a hand that takes ours and leads us out. Human beings live because they are loved and can love; and if love even penetrated the realm of death, then life also even reached there. In the hour of supreme solitude we shall never be alone:Passio Christi. Passio hominis.

This is the mystery of Holy Saturday! Truly from there, from the darkness of the death of the Son of God, the light of a new hope gleamed: the light of the Resurrection. And it seems to me that, looking at this sacred Cloth through the eyes of faith, one may perceive something of this light. Effectively, the Shroud was immersed in that profound darkness that was at the same time luminous; and I think that if thousands and thousands of people come to venerate it without counting those who contemplate it through images it is because they see in it not only darkness but also the light; not so much the defeat of life and of love, but rather victory, the victory of life over death, of love over hatred. They indeed see the death of Jesus, but they also see his Resurrection; in the bosom of death, life is now vibrant, since love dwells within it. This is the power of the Shroud: from the face of this "Man of sorrows", who carries with him the passion of man of every time and every place, our passions too, our sufferings, our difficulties and our sins Passio Christi. Passio hominis from this face a solemn majesty shines, a paradoxical lordship. This face, th ese hands and these feet, this side, this whole body speaks. It is itself a word we can hear in the silence. How does the Shroud speak? It speaks with blood, and blood is life! The Shroud is an Icon written in blood; the blood of a man who was scourged, crowned with thorns, crucified and whose right side was pierced. The Image impressed upon the Shroud is that of a dead man, but the blood speaks of his life. Every trace of blood speaks of love and of life. Especially that huge stain near his rib, made by the blood and water that flowed copiously from a great wound inflicted by the tip of a Roman spear. That blood and that water speak of life. It is like a spring that murmurs in the silence, and we can hear it, we can listen to it in the silence of Holy Saturday.

Dear friends, let us always praise the Lord for his faithful and merciful love. When we leave this holy place, may we carry in our eyes the image of the Shroud, may we carry in our hearts this word of love and praise God with a life full of faith, hope and charity. Thank you.

The Feast of the Holy Face

The Feast of the Holy Face - Shrove Tuesday

On April 17th, 1958, His Holiness Pope Pius XII approved the observance of a Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus on Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday).

“See how I suffer. Nevertheless, I am understood by so few. What gratitude on the part of those who say they love me. I have given My Heart as a sensible object of My great love for man and I give My Face as a sensible object of My Sorrow for the sins of man. I desire that it be honoured by a special feast on Tuesday in Quinquagesima (Shrove Tuesday – the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday). The feast will be preceded by novena in which the faithful make reparation with Me uniting themselves with my sorrow.”

Sister Marie of St Peter

In Tours, France during the 1840's a young Carmelite nun, Sister Marie of St Peter, received a series of revelations from Our Lord about a powerful devotion He wished to be established worldwide - the devotion to his Holy Face.  The express purpose of this devotion was to make reparation for the blasphemies and outrages of 'Revolutionary men' (the Communists), as well as for the blasphemies of atheists and freethinkers and others, plus, for blasphemy and the profanation of Sundays by Christians.  This devotion is also an instrument given to the individual devotee as a seemingly unfailing method of appealing to God in prayer - through adoration of His Holy Face and Name.

The following prayer was dictated by our Lord Himself to Sister Marie of St Peter.  Opening His Heart to her, our Saviour complained of blasphemy, saying that this frightful sin wounds His divine Heart more grievously than all other sins, for it was like a "poisoned arrow".

After that, our Saviour dictated the following prayer, which he called "The Golden Arrow", saying that those who would recite this prayer would pierce Him delightfully, and also heal those other wounds inflicted on Him by the malice of sinners.  This prayer is regarded as the very basis of the Work of Reparation.

Our Lord’s promises

Our Lord’s promises are as follows:

 1.All those who honor My Face in a spirit of reparation will by so doing perform the office of the pious Veronica. According to the care they take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemers, so will I take care of their souls which have been disfigured by sin. My Face is the seal of the Divinity, which has the virtue of reproducing in souls the image of God.
2. Those who by words, prayers or writing defend My cause in this Work of Reparation I will defend before My Father, and will give them My Kingdom.
3. By offering My Face to My Eternal Father, nothing will be refused, and the conversion of many sinners will be obtained.
4. By My Holy Face, they will work wonders, appease the anger of God, and draw down mercy on sinners.
5. As in a kingdom they can procure all that is desired with a coin stamped with the King's effigy, so in the Kingdom of Heaven they will obtain all they desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face.
6.Those who on earth contemplate the wounds of My Face shall in Heaven behold it radiant with glory.
7.They will receive in their souls a bright and constant irradiation of My Divinity, that by their likeness to My Face they shall shine with particular splendor in Heaven.
8. I will defend them, I will preserve them and I assure them of Final Perseverance.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Prayer of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

Prayer of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus 

O Jesus, who in Thy bitter Passion didst become "the most abject of men, a man of sorrows", I venerate Thy Sacred Face whereon there once did shine the beauty and sweetness of the Godhead; but now it has become for me as if it were the face of a leper! Nevertheless, under those disfigured features, I recognize Thy infinite Love and I am consumed with the desire to love Thee and make Thee loved by all men. 

The tears which well up abundantly in Thy sacred eyes appear to me as so many precious pearls that I love to gather up, in order to purchase the souls of poor sinners by means of their infinite value. O Jesus, whose adorable face ravishes my heart, I implore Thee to fix deep within me Thy divine image and to set me on fire with Thy Love, that I may be found worthy to come to the contemplation of Thy glorious Face in Heaven. Amen.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



The purpose of the Chaplet of the Holy Face is to honour the Five Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and to ask of God the Triumph of His Holy Church and the downfall of her enemies.

This Chaplet was composed by Sister Saint Pierre, a Carmelite of Tours.

Saint Ethanasius stated that the devils, when being asked what verse in the Holy Scripture they feared the most, they replied, "That with which the sixty-seventh Psalm commences." This passage states, "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered. Let them that hate Him flee from before His Face." They added that this biblical passage always compelled them to take flight.

How to pray the Chaplet of the Five Wounds

The Chaplet of the Holy Face is composed of a medal and 39 beads, 6 of them being large ones, 33 being small ones, with a medal of the Holy Face.

The chaplet of the Holy Face honours the 5 senses of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and entreats God for the triumph of His Church. It is recommended that the faithful pray the Chaplet of the Holy Face to obtain from God, by means of the Holy Face of the Lord Jesus, the downfall of His enemies.

The 33 small beads represent the 33 years of the mortal life of Our Divine Lord Jesus on earth. The first 30 beads call to mind the 30 years of His hidden life. These are divided into 5 groups, with the intention of honouring the 5 senses of touch, hearing, sight, smell, and the taste of Jesus. These senses have their seat, principally, in the Holy Face and render reparative homage for all the sufferings which Our Lord Jesus endured in His Face, through each of these senses.

The last 3 small beads remind us of the 3 years of public life of Our Saviour, and have as their object, to honour all the wounds of His Adorable Face.

Begin as follows:

Make the sign of the Cross, with the Cross, and say:

"O God, incline unto my aid.
O Lord, make haste to help me."

Then say 1 Glory Be....

Before each group of beads, there is a large bead. On this bead, reflect on the sense of Jesus, or the wounds of His Face, and say 1 Glory Be... and the following prayer invocation:

"My Jesus, mercy."

On every small bead, say:

"Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Thee fly before Thy Face!"

At the end, say:

The Glory Be... 7 times, in honour of the last 7 Words that Jesus spoke on the Cross, and the 7 dolors of the Immaculate Virgin.

Upon completing the Chaplet, say on the medal:

"O God, our Protector,
look down upon us
and cast Thine eyes
upon the Face of Thy Christ!"

Monday, November 11, 2013



After receiving this prayer, Sister Mary of St. Peter was given a vision in which she saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus delightfully wounded by this "Go/den Arrow" as torrents of graces streamed from It for the conversion of sinners.